分类: 满庭芳
《满庭芳 赠湖口王先生》马钰 翻译、赏析和诗意
《满庭芳 赠湖口王先生》是元代马钰创作的一首诗词。诗意深邃,表达了作者对世俗名利的警示,以及探讨人生的真谛和超越尘世的追求。
This poem, "Man Ting Fang, Presented to Mr. Wang of Hukou," written by Ma Yu during the Yuan Dynasty, carries profound meaning. It serves as a warning against the pursuit of worldly fame and wealth, while exploring the essence of life and the quest for transcendence beyond the mundane.
The poem alludes to the prevalence of people being obsessed with material gains and the pursuit of wealth and fame. The author expresses his disapproval of this mindset, highlighting the ignorance of those who solely seek prosperity as a means of finding their place in the world.
The imagery presented in the poem reflects a dynamic scene where the forces of nature and mythical creatures intertwine. The mention of tigers, dragons, and phoenixes symbolizes power, majesty, and auspiciousness. However, the poem emphasizes that even amidst this grand spectacle, there is no room for true understanding or realization of the profound principles of existence.
The poem touches upon the theme of marriage, questioning the sincerity and depth of the relationships between couples. It suggests that the union of husband and wife is often superficial and lacks spiritual significance. The references to gold, wood, and the enigmatic workings of fate convey the idea of blending different elements to create a harmonious and genuine connection.
The poem further delves into the concept of spiritual enlightenment and the realization that one's destiny is not solely determined by external factors. It suggests that one's true nature and purpose in life are discovered through self-reflection and a departure from worldly concerns. The phrase "male pregnancy" metaphorically depicts the idea of spiritual rebirth or transformation.
The concluding lines evoke a sense of divine radiance and ascension, as the author envisions a return to the celestial realm while paying homage to the immortal sage Dongbin. This imagery signifies the ultimate attainment of a higher spiritual realm and the transcendence of earthly matters.
Overall, this poem by Ma Yu encourages readers to reflect on the transient nature of worldly pursuits and the importance of seeking a deeper understanding of existence. It emphasizes the need to transcend material desires and embrace a more profound and spiritual dimension of life.
mǎn tíng fāng zèng hú kǒu wáng xiān shēng
满庭芳 赠湖口王先生
shān dòng jǐn quàn, míng lì rén rén.
zhǐ zhī fù guì ān shēn.
qǐ wù wú mén yī zhe, chū shì gēn yīn.
hǔ lóng jiāo chí fèng quē, gèng wú zhōng yīng chà chéng qīn.
shuí xìn dào, bìng bù chàn fán sú, fū fù hūn yīn.
jīn mù sān bān wèn gé, yòng xuán jī wò yùn, hùn hé chéng zhēn.
dùn jué nán ér huái yùn, bù shén ér shén.
xìng mìng bù yóu tiān dì, zì xīn zhī yǒng zhàn cháng chūn.
shén guāng càn, kuà yún guī, cān lǐ dòng bīn.
韵脚:(平韵) 上平十一真 * 平仄拼音来自网络,仅供参考;诗句韵脚有多个的时候,对比全诗即可判断。